Let’s start with
the facts.

A study conducted by the PEW Research Center states that more than 5 billion people have mobile devices, and over half of that number owns a smartphone.

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Out of those 5 billion people, the average person spends 3-5 hours a day on their devices. That can add up to 7 years of your lifetime.



Technology has taken control of our lives.

And in many ways, we don’t even realize it. It’s rewiring our brains and changing the way we interact with each other and build relationships.

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When you use your device to self-soothe, rid your anxiety, or combat boredom, you’re fueling a cycle of dependency. This makes it extremely difficult to disconnect from our devices, and simply let our minds wander.

Studies have shown the many of benefits that come from letting our brains be in “idle”, such as increased levels of creativity, better sleep, and higher levels of awareness. When we’re constantly consumed with our devices, we miss the world around us. We miss the people surrounding us, who matter the most in our lives.

It’s not entirely our fault that we’ve become so consumed with our devices. Technology companies are very well versed in tactics that are proven to control your time, emotions, and attention.


Technology controls our..

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Through the use of various techniques, technology is designed to get you hooked and keep you engaged.

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We track everything from sleep, to exercise, to what we eat, losing touch with our sense of selves.

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With constant distractions from multiple devices in our lives, it’s become extremely hard to focus.